In-app communications

ChurnZero’s digital engagement tools let you build digital-touch strategies, streamline communications, spark collaborative interactions, and celebrate customer achievements, all within your application.

“I love all of the in-app capabilities. Our customer base tends to be a bit software-resistant, so the more we can keep in-app and in one place, the more likely they are to engage and benefit from the info we are trying to get to them” — Missy B.

Digital customer engagement within your app


ChurnZero’s in-app communication tools allow you to deliver targeted messages to customers within your product, while they’re using it. Features include:

  • In-app announcements: Get your message front and center when users log in.
  • Surveys: Get a higher participation rate with surveys that live within your platform.
  • Success Centers: A purpose-built, centralized space for critical information, resources, documents, videos, announcements and more.

Launch announcements within your product

In-app announcement for new blog.

In-app communications: announcement for blog ChurnZero screenshot

Share information within Success Centers

In-app communications: Success Center screenshot ChurnZero


Incorporate in-app communications within plays

In-app communications: Pop-up announcement ChurnZero dashboard




“ChurnZero is helping me to interact/target with end-users while they are in the platform with in-app messaging. This allows me to direct customer attention to the least used features, products, and subscription content. It also aids in identifying which customers would benefit from nurture tactics to prevent churn.” — Wendy O.

Ways to use in-app communications

  • Use segmentation to send in-app announcements at the right moment for peak relevancy.
  • Deliver surveys simultaneously via email and in-app for multi-channel visibility.
    • Track views and clicks to refine your engagement strategies.
    • Display customer journey progress to promote accountability and build trust.

      Why customer success teams love ChurnZero’s in-app communications

      “ChurnZero is helping me interact with and target end-users while they are in the platform… this allows me to direct customer attention to least used features, products, and subscription content. It also aids in identifying which customers would benefit from nurture tactics to prevent churn.” — Verified customer

      Customer success leaders

      improve the effectiveness of onboarding, retention, and adoption strategies.

      CSMs/CS management

      can engage customers in-app for more relevance and utility.

      Marketing and product teams

      can announce new features, special events, and resources.


      get immediate information about products or features without leaving your app. 


      Learn about all the features of ChurnZero customer success software

      Core customer success features

      Segment customers create automated plays and journeys, get detailed reporting, and a better understanding of the health of your customer base.

      My Dashboard - ChurnScores - ChurnZero screenshot


      Digital engagement tools

      Everything you need to create personalized, automated communications with your customers, right within your product.

      In-app-announcement ChurnZero dashboard


      ChurnZero power tools

      ChurnZero offers a suite of tools to increase your efficiency and elevate your customer success, including:


      Small child shouts loudly while raising hands up in victory against isolated bright orange background.

      See what ChurnZero’s in-app communications can do for you.

      Ask Customer Success GPT™

      We asked Customer Success GPT  to answer the most common questions about in-app communication tools within customer success software. 

      In-app communications tools within customer success software play a pivotal role in enhancing customer engagement and support. Customer success professionals often seek to understand best practices and capabilities to maximize the impact of these tools.



      How can in-app communications tools be effectively used to increase user engagement and product adoption?

      • Targeted messaging: Utilize user behavior data to send personalized, targeted messages that guide users through the product, highlight unused features, and provide relevant tips. This approach ensures that communications are timely and relevant, significantly increasing user engagement and encouraging product adoption.
      • Interactive guides: Implement interactive in-app tutorials and guides to help new users navigate through the platform, making the learning process intuitive and engaging. By simplifying the onboarding process, customers are more likely to explore and adopt more features.
      • Feedback loops: Use in-app communications to prompt users for feedback at critical moments, such as after completing an onboarding process or using a new feature. This not only provides valuable insights but also makes users feel heard and valued, fostering a positive relationship.

      What are the key features to look for in in-app communications tools to ensure they meet the needs of a customer success team?

      • Segmentation and personalization: The ability to segment users based on behavior, product usage, and other criteria, and to personalize messages based on these segments. This ensures that communications are relevant and effective.
      • Automation and trigger-based messages: Tools should allow for the automation of messages based on specific user actions or milestones. This helps in delivering timely support and information without manual intervention.
      • Analytics and reporting: Comprehensive analytics to track the effectiveness of in-app messages, such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion metrics. This data is crucial for optimizing strategies and demonstrating the value of customer success efforts.

      How do we measure the success and ROI of in-app communications within our customer success software?

        • User engagement metrics: Monitor changes in user engagement metrics before and after implementing in-app communications. Look for increases in session times, feature usage, and user satisfaction scores as indicators of successful engagement.
        • Adoption rates: Measure the adoption rate of features or products promoted through in-app communications. A higher adoption rate post-message indicates effective communication.
        • Customer retention and churn rates: Evaluate the impact of in-app communications on customer retention and churn rates. Effective in-app communications should correlate with higher retention rates and reduced churn, contributing directly to ROI.